In three previous posts (part 1, update, part 2), I have described a working PSK31 encoder implemented on an Arduino ATMega328 or ATMega2560 device. While this implementation worked for the most part, it was based on some incorrect PSK32 bit timing. Most PSK31 decoders are sufficiently robust to allow successful decoding of my generated signal, but I wanted to write a follow-up posting to describe the error and propose a fix.
By way of review, PSK31 is a communication protocol with a transmission rate of 31.25 baud. So, what does this mean? From google, we see the following definition of "baud".
So, a 31.25 baud transmission is 31.25 bits per second or a bit time of 32 ms. The technique described in my previous postings (above) results in a bit time of 32.768 ms which apparently is still decode-able, but I would still like to get this right.
My error is in how I constructed the waveform of the PSK31 signal. I used a 1 kHz tone which of course has a 1 ms period (1/1000 = .001 seconds). To construct this 1 kHz tone, I generated 32 phase points per cycle. This means that I needed to generate a new phase point every 31.25 us. (.001 / 32 = .00003125 seconds = 31.25 us). To do this, I used a timer driven at 16 MHz in phase correct PWM mode. This means that the timer counts from zero to 255 and then back down to zero at which time it generates an interrupt. Therefore, the interrupt would happen every 512 ticks of the 16 MHz clock which is every 32 us. (16000000 / 512 = 31250 = .000032 seconds = 32 us)
So, instead of generating a phase point every 31.25 us, I was generating one every 32 us. (Hey, what's 0.75 us amongst friends?) This in and of itself is not really a problem, but the error I made was that I was using a model where I generated 1024 phase points per PSK31 bit time. Therefore, my bit time ended up being 32.768 ms rather than the desired 32 ms. (1024 * .000032 = .032768 seconds = 32.768 ms).
In an ideal world, I would run the timer at 16 MHz / 500 = 32 kHz instead of 16 MHz / 512 = 31.25 kHz and my current scheme would work fine. The counter would run from zero to 250 and then back down to zero instead of counting up to 255. However, there are a limited number of prescaler divisors available on Arduino timers and they are all powers of two, so this is not an option. Additionally, I need phase correct PWM mode, so the counter has to run from minimum (zero) to max (255) and back down for each phase point. The 1 kHz tone output goes high at the current phase amplitude value when the counter gets to it on the way up to 255 and sets the output low when the counter gets to the phase amplitude value on the way back down to zero. This allows the generation of phase correct PWM output. Once the PWM output is integrated, a nice phase continuous sine wave output is produced.
So, the fix appears to be to use 1000 phase points per PSK31 bit time rather than 1024. (1000 * .000032 = .032 = 32 ms) I will need to re-generate the sine tables to use possibly 20 phase points per cycle rather than 32 and make sure the state machine knows the new number of phase points per cycle, so the code changes should be pretty trivial (famous last words...)
The implementation does not separate the bit timing from the timing of the generation of the 1 kHz audio tone. We count cycles to know when the bit has ended. If these timing tasks were separated, then we could set the bit time independently of the frequency of the tone being generated. But, since I coupled these two things together, I have to change the number of phase points per cycle in order to generate the correct character timing.
Here is the updated code listing with the changes discussed above. I have verified the bit timing is now correct.
As always, your mileage may vary. I am happy to try and help you if you have questions or comments about anything you read here. Post a reply here or drop me a note at ko7m at arrl dot net.
// PSK31 audio generation
// Jeff Whitlatch - ko7m
// We are going to generate a 1 kHz centre frequency tone.
// Each 1 kHz cycle of the sinusoid will be generated from
// 32 eight bit amplitude samples. The period of a 1 kHz tone
// is 1 ms. Each of the 32 samples per cycle has a period
// of 31.25 us. We will construct each sinusoid from a 32 byte
// per cycle lookup table of amplitude values ranging from
// 0x00 to 0xff where the zero crossing value is 0x80.
// The PSK31 character bit time is 31.25 ms constructed of 1024
// samples. A binary zero is represented by a phase reversal
// while a binary 1 is represented by the lack of a phase reversal.
// Characters are encoded with a variable bit length code (varicode)
// where the length of each character is inversely
// proportional to the frequency of use in the english language
// of that character. Characters are encoded with a bit
// pattern where there are no sequential zero bits. Two zero bits
// in a row signify the end of a character.
// Varicode lookup table
// This table defines the PKS31 varicode. There are 128 entries,
// corresponding to ASCII characters 0-127 with two bytes for each entry.
// The bits for the varicode are to be shifted out LSB-first.
// More than one zero in sequence signifies the end of the character.
// For modulation, a 0 represents a phase reversal while a 1
// represents a steady-state carrier.
uint16_t varicode[] = {
0x0355, // 0 NUL
0x036d, // 1 SOH
0x02dd, // 2 STX
0x03bb, // 3 ETX
0x035d, // 4 EOT
0x03eb, // 5 ENQ
0x03dd, // 6 ACK
0x02fd, // 7 BEL
0x03fd, // 8 BS
0x00f7, // 9 HT
0x0017, // 10 LF
0x03db, // 11 VT
0x02ed, // 12 FF
0x001f, // 13 CR
0x02bb, // 14 SO
0x0357, // 15 SI
0x03bd, // 16 DLE
0x02bd, // 17 DC1
0x02d7, // 18 DC2
0x03d7, // 19 DC3
0x036b, // 20 DC4
0x035b, // 21 NAK
0x02db, // 22 SYN
0x03ab, // 23 ETB
0x037b, // 24 CAN
0x02fb, // 25 EM
0x03b7, // 26 SUB
0x02ab, // 27 ESC
0x02eb, // 28 FS
0x0377, // 29 GS
0x037d, // 30 RS
0x03fb, // 31 US
0x0001, // 32 SP
0x01ff, // 33 !
0x01f5, // 34 @
0x015f, // 35 #
0x01b7, // 36 $
0x02ad, // 37 %
0x0375, // 38 &
0x01fd, // 39 '
0x00df, // 40 (
0x00ef, // 41 )
0x01ed, // 42 *
0x01f7, // 43 +
0x0057, // 44 ,
0x002b, // 45 -
0x0075, // 46 .
0x01eb, // 47 /
0x00ed, // 48 0
0x00bd, // 49 1
0x00b7, // 50 2
0x00ff, // 51 3
0x01dd, // 52 4
0x01b5, // 53 5
0x01ad, // 54 6
0x016b, // 55 7
0x01ab, // 56 8
0x01db, // 57 9
0x00af, // 58 :
0x017b, // 59 ;
0x016f, // 60 <
0x0055, // 61 =
0x01d7, // 62 >
0x03d5, // 63 ?
0x02f5, // 64 @
0x005f, // 65 A
0x00d7, // 66 B
0x00b5, // 67 C
0x00ad, // 68 D
0x0077, // 69 E
0x00db, // 70 F
0x00bf, // 71 G
0x0155, // 72 H
0x007f, // 73 I
0x017f, // 74 J
0x017d, // 75 K
0x00eb, // 76 L
0x00dd, // 77 M
0x00bb, // 78 N
0x00d5, // 79 O
0x00ab, // 80 P
0x0177, // 81 Q
0x00f5, // 82 R
0x007b, // 83 S
0x005b, // 84 T
0x01d5, // 85 U
0x015b, // 86 V
0x0175, // 87 W
0x015d, // 88 X
0x01bd, // 89 Y
0x02d5, // 90 Z
0x01df, // 91 [
0x01ef, // 92
0x01bf, // 93 ]
0x03f5, // 94 ^
0x016d, // 95 _
0x03ed, // 96 `
0x000d, // 97 a
0x007d, // 98 b
0x003d, // 99 c
0x002d, // 100 d
0x0003, // 101 e
0x002f, // 102 f
0x006d, // 103 g
0x0035, // 104 h
0x000b, // 105 i
0x01af, // 106 j
0x00fd, // 107 k
0x001b, // 108 l
0x0037, // 109 m
0x000f, // 110 n
0x0007, // 111 o
0x003f, // 112 p
0x01fb, // 113 q
0x0015, // 114 r
0x001d, // 115 s
0x0005, // 116 t
0x003b, // 117 u
0x006f, // 118 v
0x006b, // 119 w
0x00fb, // 120 x
0x005d, // 121 y
0x0157, // 122 z
0x03b5, // 123 {
0x01bb, // 124 |
0x02b5, // 125 }
0x03ad, // 126 ~
0x02b7 // 127 (del)
// 25 cycles of 20 samples each (500 bytes) of ramp-up
// sinusoid information. There is an extra byte at the
// end of the table with the value 0x80 which allows the
// first byte to always be at the zero crossing point
// whether ramping up or down.
char data[] =
// define a single cycle of full amplitude sinusoid.
#define one (&data[24*20]) // Sine table pointer for a one bit
#define zero (&data[25*20]) // Sine table pointer for a zero bit
// Useful macros for setting and resetting bits
#define cbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) &= ~_BV(bit))
#define sbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) |= _BV(bit))
// Variables used by the timer ISR to generate sinusoidal information.
volatile char rgchBuf[256]; // Buffer of text to send
volatile uint8_t head = 0; // Buffer head (next character to send)
volatile uint8_t tail = 0; // Buffer tail (next insert point)
volatile uint16_t vcChar = 0; // Current varicode char being sent
volatile int cbHalfBit = 500; // 500 phase points required for PSK 1/2 bit time
volatile char *pbSine = zero;
volatile int cbDirection = 500;
volatile char fSendOne = false;
//volatile char *pbSine = one;
//volatile int cbDirection = 32;
//volatile char fSendOne = true;
volatile char ix = -1;
volatile char phase = 1;
volatile char fFullBit = 0;
volatile char cZeroBits = 0;
volatile char maxZeroBits = 2;
// Setup timer2 with prescaler = 1, PWM mode to phase correct PWM
// See the ATMega datasheet for all the gory details
void timer2Setup()
// Clock prescaler = 1
sbi (TCCR2B, CS20); // 001 = no prescaling
cbi (TCCR2B, CS21);
cbi (TCCR2B, CS22);
// Phase Correct PWM
cbi (TCCR2A, COM2A0); // 10 = clear OC2A on compare match when up counting
sbi (TCCR2A, COM2A1); // set OC2A on compare match when down counting
// Mode 1
sbi (TCCR2A, WGM20); // 01 = Mode 1 uses 0xff as TOP value
cbi (TCCR2A, WGM21);
// Timer 2 interrupt service routine (ISR).
// Grab the next phase point from the table and
// set the amplitude value of the sinusoid being
// constructed. For a one bit, set 500 phase points
// (20 amplitudes of 25 samples each) to ramp
// down to zero and then immediately back up to full
// amplitude for a total of 1024 phase points.
// For a zero bit, there is not amplitude or phase
// change, so we just play 32 phase points of
// full amplitude data 32 times for a total of 1024
// phase points.
// Each end of the ramp-up table starts with a zero
// crossing byte, so there is one extra byte in
// the table (501 entries). Ramping up plays bytes
// 0 -> 499 and ramping down plays bytes 500 -> 1
// allowing each direction to start at the zero
// crossing point.
// Set current amplitude value for the sine wave
// being constructed taking care to invert the
// phase when processing the table in reverse order.
OCR2A = *pbSine * ix * phase;
pbSine += ix;
// At the half bit time, we need to change phase
// if generating a zero bit
if (0 == --cbHalfBit)
cbHalfBit = 500; // Reset 1/2 PSK bit time phase counter
// Get the next varichar bit to send
if (fFullBit)
// Count the number of sequential zero bits
if (fSendOne = vcChar & 1) cZeroBits = 0; else cZeroBits++;
// Shift off the most least significant bit.
vcChar >>= 1;
// If we have sent two zero bits, end of character has occurred
if (cZeroBits > maxZeroBits)
cZeroBits = 0;
// If send buffer not empty, get next varicode character
if (head != tail)
// Assumes a 256 byte buffer as index increments modulo 256
vcChar = varicode[rgchBuf[head++]];
if (maxZeroBits > 2) cbi (TIMSK2,TOIE2); else maxZeroBits = 75;
fFullBit = !fFullBit; // Toggle end of full bit flag
// When we get done ramping down, phase needs to
// change unless we are sending a one bit
if (ix < 0 &&!fSendOne) phase = -phase;
// At the end of the table for the bit being
// generated, we need to change direction
// and process the table in the other direction.
if (0 == --cbDirection)
cbDirection = fSendOne ? 20 : 500;
ix = -ix;
void setup()
// PWM output for timer2 is pin 10 on the ATMega2560
// If you use an ATMega328 (such as the UNO) you need
// to make this pin 11
// See
pinMode(10, OUTPUT); // Timer 2 PWM output on mega256 is pin 10
// Set up timer2 to a phase correct 32kHz clock
// Put something in the buffer to be sent
strcpy((char *) &rgchBuf[0], "\nCQ CQ CQ de ko7m ko7m ko7m"
"\nCQ CQ CQ de ko7m ko7m ko7m"
"\nCQ CQ CQ de ko7m ko7m ko7m CN87xp pse k\n");
tail = strlen((const char *) rgchBuf);
head = 0;
sbi (TIMSK2,TOIE2); // Enable timer 2.
void loop()
Congrats on figuring that out. I didn't realize that generating a PSK signal would be so complex. You describe it very well. What is next? I found this site looking for PSK sample code. I'm envisioning a PSK keyer/encoder that takes USB keyboard input, displays those characters on a small LCD then out to a Radio such as my Yaesu FTdx3000. This would allow the radio full PSK31 abilities without the need of a PC. Thank you again for your work. Ed WD4ED
ReplyDeleteThis is a great example of what you can get out of an Arduino. Jeff, will you mention somewhere in the code that you need to filter the PWM with a 104 cap and 3.9K resistor as it took me a while to figure it out and will help others. Many thanks. 73 Chris ZS1CDG
ReplyDeleteYes, that is a good catch. Since all this started for me with my articles on direct digital synthesis (DDS), and the fact that I mentioned the need for a low pass filter on the PWM output in that article, I neglected to include it again here. Thanks for the catch! I will certainly update the PSK series with this information.