Sunday, August 24, 2014

Corrections to DDS code

Many thanks to my friend Eldon, WA0UWH who pointed out the fact that my 0-255 amplitude table in my previous post has some 256 values in it.  Oh sigh...  I neglected to take into account that the range of sine values is -1 to +1 inclusive.  I added a generic mapping function to handle the mapping correctly.  I have updated my previous post with the changes.  This also fixed the gliches seen in my integrated output.  See the last scope trace screen shot.  I have updated this photograph as well, so all evidence of temporary insanity has been removed...

Thanks Eldon!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS)


With all the recent work on software for the Si570 device, this got me thinking a bit about the process of direct digital synthesis.  I went back and read again a great tutorial on the topic by Analog Devices MT-085 Fundamentals of Direct Digital Synthesis and decided to experiment with a software DDS using the Arduino as a test platform.

Basically the architecture of a DDS system has a stable clock driving a look up of sinusoidal information where one or more cycles of a sine wave (or for that matter, any other arbitrary waveform) are fed in sequence to a digital to analog converter to produce the final output.  Each of these look ups can be stored in a read-only memory and the value fetched represents the corresponding digital amplitude of the signal at each clock tick.

For my experimentation, I will construct a sinusoidal waveform using 8 bit data representing the amplitude of the signal at each clock tick.  To construct the table of sinusoidal amplitude information, I will retrieve a value from 0-255 which will map to a signal where the sinusoidal waveform crosses zero at the middle of this range (e.g. 128) and 256 samples for one period of the waveform.

Each address in the look up table corresponds to a phase point on the sine wave from 0 to 360 degrees.  In reality only data for 90 degrees (one quadrant of a circle) would be required as the quadrant is indicated by the two most significant bits.  The look up table contains the corresponding digital amplitude information for one complete cycle of a sine wave used to drive a DAC (digital to analogue converter).

If the look up table contained an entry for each bit of a 32 bit index into the table, there would be 2^32 output values before the index overflowed.  A sine wave thus constructed would have a frequency equal to the input clock frequency divided by 2^32 as it would take that many data points to reconstruct the sine wave.  Let's call this the M=1 case (one increment per clock tick).

If we increment through the table a little faster, say M=2 then the table index will roll over twice as fast and the output frequency would be doubled.  For an n-bit index (in DDS systems this is called a phase accumulator) there are 2^n possible phase points (data points in our look up table).  Let's call M the amount that the phase accumulator (index) is incremented on each clock cycle.  If fc is the clock frequency, then the frequency of the output sine wave is determined by the following formulae, also known as the DDS tuning equation.

    fout = (M * fc) / (2^n)

The frequency resolution of a DDS system is equal to fc/2^n.  If n = 32, this represents a resolution greater than one part in four billion. (2^32 = 4,294,967,296).  This is rather impractical and in general unnecessary.  In most DDS systems not all of the bits of the phase accumulator are used in the look up table and only the upper (most significant) bits are used.  This can significantly reduce the size of the look up table without affecting the frequency resolution.  This truncation of the phase does however add a small amount of phase noise to the final output.

There is a lot more information in the reference I mention above (MT-085) and well worth a read by anyone interested in DDS technology.

The first task at hand is to construct a table of 256 sine values representing the amplitude of the sinusoid for one sine period.  I wrote a little C# application to generate the necessary data structure text:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace GenSineData
  class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
      Console.WriteLine("PROGMEM prog_uchar sine256[] = ");
      Console.Write("  ");

      for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        double angle = 360.0 / 256.0 * Convert.ToDouble(i);
        double radians = angle * Math.PI / 180;
        double sin = Math.Sin(radians);
        // Map range from -1 to +1 to 0 to 255
        int amplitude = Convert.ToInt32(map(sin, -1, 1, 0, 255));
        Console.Write(amplitude.ToString() + (i != 255 ? "," : ""));
        if (i > 0 && (i+1) % 16 == 0)
          Console.Write("  ");

    // Map from one range to another
    static double map(double x, double in_min,
                      double in_max, double out_min, double out_max)
      return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;

The output of this application can be pasted into my Arduino code producing a program memory-based lookup table.

PROGMEM prog_uchar sine256[] =

Importing this data into Excel and graphing it, we find a nice sinusoidal waveform with zero crossings at the value 128 and all amplitude values between 0 and 255 using only 256 data points and 8 bit amplitude values.

So far, so good...

To compute the necessary tuning word for the DDS for the desired output frequency:

  M = (2^32) * desired_frequency / clock_frequency

For my purposes, I intend to use a clock_frequency of approximately 32kHz by dividing down the Arduino master clock of 16MHz.  I will use a timer interrupt at 32kHz and a 32 bit phase accumulator.  The upper 8 bits will be used as the index into the above sine wave table used to drive the Arduino PWM DAC.  Of course a low pass filter will be required to remove high frequency components of the audio output.

Ok, so now we put together a little Arduino test application to pull all these concepts together.  I am using an ATMega2560 for my testing but any Arduino would work so long as the pin differences are taken into account between the platforms.  More on this later.

Here is my DDSTest sketch:

// Sine wave generator using DDS techniques
// Jeff Whitlatch - ko7m

#include "avr/pgmspace.h"

// Single period sine wave table.
// Amplitudes are 0-255 with 128 as zero crossing.  256 samples per period.
PROGMEM prog_uchar sine256[] =

// Useful macros for setting and resetting bits
#define cbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) &= ~_BV(bit))
#define sbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) |= _BV(bit))

// DDS frequency and reference clock
double dds_frequency = 0.0;
const double ref_frequency = (16000000/500);

// These must all be marked as volatile as they are used in an interrupt service routine
volatile byte sine_table_index;
volatile uint32_t phase_accumulator;
volatile uint32_t tuning_word;

void setup()
  // PWM output for timer2 is pin 10 on the ATMega2560
  // If you use an ATMega328 (such as the UNO) you need to make this pin 11
  // See spreadsheet here
  pinMode(10, OUTPUT);      // Timer 2 PWM output on mega256 is pin 10
  // Set up timer2 to a phase correct 32kHz clock

  // disable interrupts to avoid timing distortion
  cbi (TIMSK0,TOIE0);    // Disable timer 0.  Breaks the delay() function
  sbi (TIMSK2,TOIE2);    // Enable timer 2.

  // Set up initial DDS frequency and calculate the timing word
  dds_frequency = 1000;
  tuning_word = pow(2,32) * dds_frequency / ref_frequency;

// Nothing to do here.  Everything is interrupt driven
void loop()

// Setup timer2 with prescaler = 1, PWM mode to phase correct PWM
// See the ATMega2560 datasheet for all the gory details
void timer2Setup()
  // Clock prescaler = 1
  sbi (TCCR2B, CS20);      // 001 = no prescaling
  cbi (TCCR2B, CS21);
  cbi (TCCR2B, CS22);

  // Phase Correct PWM
  cbi (TCCR2A, COM2A0);    // 10 = clear OC2A compare match
  sbi (TCCR2A, COM2A1);

  // Mode 1
  sbi (TCCR2A, WGM20);     // See table 20-8 in datasheet
  cbi (TCCR2A, WGM21);
  cbi (TCCR2B, WGM22);

// Timer 2 interrupt service routine (ISR) is used to generate
// the timebase reference clock for the DDS generator at 32kHz.
  // Update phase accumulator and extract the sine table index from it
  phase_accumulator += tuning_word;
  sine_table_index = phase_accumulator >> 24;  // Use upper 8 bits as index
  // Set current amplitude value for the sine wave being constructed.
  OCR2A = pgm_read_byte_near(sine256 + sine_table_index); 


Connecting a powered speaker to pin 10 allows me to hear the 1kHz tone.  The PWM signal on pin 10 looks like this, though when this picture was taken, a 1.5kHz tone was being generated.

So, far so good...  A low pass filter will be required or at least some level of integration to turn this into a sine wave.  Since we are sampling at 32kHz, Nyquist says that the highest frequency we can produce is 16kHz.  So by setting a simple RC low pass filter cutoff frequency near this frequency should be adequate.  I will choose 15kHz for simplicity.

  cutoff frequency = 1/ (2 * pi * R * C)

Using a 1000 ohm resistor for R:

  15000 = 1/(2000 * pi * C)
  C = 1/(30000000 * pi)
  C = 1.06103295e-8 farad or 0.0106103295 microfarads.  (.01 uF will do thanks...)

The following is the result using this simple integrator:

Fun!  Ok, so next installment, I hope to do something useful with all this...

More to come...

Monday, August 11, 2014

Si570 Arduino Shield PCB is off to be manufactured

I finished up the Si570 shield for the Arduino today and sent the gerber files off the the fab house today.  They will be on the panel to be produced on 13 Aug, so hopefully I will have some prototype PCBs back soon.

Update: My prototype boards shipped yesterday (Friday) so hopefully they will be in hand by Monday.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Si570 shield progress

I have spent some time today working on my Si570 Arduino shield.  A few changes:
  1. Added a 3.3V regulator on the board with a separate power input (9-12v) as with dual Si570 devices on the board, I don't want to draw that current from the Arduino regulator.
  2. Increased the trace size for the 3V3 power rail off the regulator.
  3. Changed the SMA connector footprint to be appropriate for a much more narrow connector.
  4. I2C multiplexor chip used to drive multiple (up to 4) I2C buses optionally at different logic levels.  I drive the multiplexor at 5V from the Arduino.  Each Si570 is on its own 3V3 bus and two extra busses are available.  I included the 3V3 OLED display on the first Si570 bus.
  5. Hand routing of the mess made by the Eagle auto-router.
To be done:
  1. Replace reset button with one that is actually available.
  2. Rework the SMA connector footprint a little more as it is still marginally too wide.
A lot of discussion was passed back and forth regarding the use of separate connections for the various periphery that will connect this shield to the Minima board.  Most folks suggested that I just use the normal Arduino connectors along the edges for all off-board connections.  I have provided those connections for those that choose to connect in this way or decide to stack another shield on top of the Si570 shield.

I however also included individual connections for individual periphery (encoder, paddles, buttons, PTT, etc.) so that a cable with a ground and signal lines can be connected as a single connector without having to worry about multiplexing ground lines, etc.

Using the I2C multiplexor will require a change to my Si570 driver and OLED driver.  5V I2C displays will not require any code changes as they will be connected directly to the 5V Arduino I2C bus.

Here is a quick screen shot of the board.  It is pretty close to being ready to send off the be manufactured.

I am hoping to get these off to be created this week.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Bug found in Si570 code for Minima

A problem has been discovered in my Si570 code that implements 1Hz tuning.  The code was unnecessarily resetting the DCO on every update when tuning down in frequency.  While setting the frequency correctly, the error was causing the DCO to restart on every increment in frequency producing an audible click in the Minima.  The frequency was being set correctly, just clicking the receiver when it was not necessary.

The error was two-fold.  Firstly, I failed to reserve sufficient bits for the 3500 ppm calculation.  Secondarily, the Arduino absolute value function (abs()) is very quirky and it was just simpler to remove the function from my code.

Lastly, I modified the Si570 code to only calculate the 3500 ppm offset whenever the DCO centre frequency was changed rather than on every frequency change in order to gain a slight performance improvement.

The changes will be posted to my GitHub Si570 repository as soon as I am able.  Meanwhile, here are the changes for the adventurous among us that want to take on the change manually.

In Si570.h, I added a member variable to the Si570 class to hold the calculated 3500 ppm value for the current center frequency.

class Si570
  Si570(uint8_t i2c_address, uint32_t calibration_frequency);
  Si570_Status setFrequency(uint32_t newfreq);
  void debugSi570();

  Si570_Status status;

  uint8_t i2c_address;
  uint8_t dco_reg[13];
  uint32_t f_center;
  uint32_t frequency;
  uint16_t hs, n1;
  uint32_t freq_xtal;
  uint64_t fdco;
  uint64_t rfreq;
  uint32_t max_delta;

  uint8_t i2c_read(uint8_t reg_address);
  int i2c_read(uint8_t reg_address, uint8_t *output, uint8_t length);

  void i2c_write(uint8_t reg_address, uint8_t data);
  int i2c_write(uint8_t reg_address, uint8_t *data, uint8_t length);

  bool read_si570();
  void write_si570();
  void qwrite_si570();

  uint8_t getHSDIV();
  uint8_t getN1();
  uint64_t getRFREQ();

  void setRFREQ(uint32_t fnew);
  int findDivisors(uint32_t f);


Secondarily, I modified Si570.cpp to initialize max_delta when the Si570 object is constructed in Si570::Si570.

  // We are about the reset the Si570, so set the current and center frequency to the calibration frequency.
  f_center = frequency = calibration_frequency;

  max_delta = ((uint64_t) f_center * 10035LL / 10000LL) - f_center;

Lastly,  I modified the setFrequency function to remove the quirky Arduino abs() function and to set the max_delta value only when it changes.

// Set the Si570 frequency
Si570_Status Si570::setFrequency(uint32_t newfreq) 
  // If the current frequency has not changed, we are done
  if (frequency == newfreq)
    return status;

  // Check how far we have moved the frequency
  uint32_t delta_freq = newfreq < f_center ? f_center - newfreq : newfreq - f_center;

  // If the jump is small enough, we don't have to fiddle with the dividers
  if (delta_freq < max_delta) 
    frequency = newfreq;
    // otherwise it is a big jump and we need a new set of divisors and reset center frequency
    int err = findDivisors(newfreq);
    // Set the new center frequency
    f_center = frequency = newfreq;
    // Calculate the new 3500 ppm delta
    max_delta = ((uint64_t) f_center * 10035LL / 10000LL) - f_center;
  return status;


My apologies for not catching this bug before the code was made available.  Many thanks to one of the many Minima users "John - MI0DFG" for finding and reporting this issue so that I can get it fixed.